The shelter is taking form, constructing on the allotment is a great feeling, the space changes again and more interest is developed. The other allotment holders seem to be more and more interested, if somewhat bemused by what I do. Their comments are encouraging, when I make 'real' baskets to learn the skills they seem to be able to relate more to the unusual forms.Making a prototype always takes so much longer, if I ever have the chance to make another it will be so much quicker. I have worked out how to make the elements and be able to transport them, setting the base and top ring in advance.
I spent some time today finding the line for lanterns along the path and on Salthouse beach, some of it meant walking backwards with a cone of string.
A strange activity, it reminded me of Tim Ingold's book 'Lines - a brief history' and the links between places and people that are invisible most of the time.
It is difficult to visualise the real effect, but the more times I visit Salthouse the more I am sure of the 'rightness' of placing this work here and now.